

Do What Scares You

This essay first appeared on Violinist.com, June 19, 2014 The door will open, casting a long rectangle of light on the dark floor and letting in the sounds of the audience, rustling and coughing.  The people in the front row…

A little pre-spring poetry

Binocular That flinch hovering by the yew– what’s in his beak, a dot or a dash? A black dog, or a dot, is sleeping on the glass. The first robbers of spring: they’re flatter, more bloodthirsty than last year. All…

On Thinking About Polar Bears

This essay originally appeared on Violinist.com A high school senior was trying out for a competitive acting program. When she finished reciting her monologues the program director smiled at her and said, “Sometimes we want to jump across the table and…


This essay originally appeared on Violinist.com, part 13 in the series “A Parents’ Guide to Conservatory Auditions” In a poem, one line may hide another line, As at a crossing, one train may hide another train. That is, if you…

In The Bleak Midwinter

This essay originally appeared on Violinist.com. …O sisters too, how may we do, For to preserve this day… When our four daughters were very small and just beginning to learn to play their miniature violins, what I looked forward to—and…

Talent Loves Company

This essay originally appeared on Violinist.com. Every fall I teach an advanced fiction-writing class. Now that the semester is over I can report that my students were terrific this year, every one of them. Our discussions were dynamic and stimulating.…

Choose Your Own Ending

Every spring I teach a 14-week undergraduate writing workshop at my university. It’s a fiction writers bootcamp. Each Monday we address a new technique: point-of-view, narrative distance, dialogue, tension, plotting, narrative college. The list goes on: thirteen topics, in all, with…

Tree Harmonics

TREE HARMONICS  for Calla on her 19th birthday I. A modulation in the wind foreshadows the new harmonics. A modulation in color: cherry petals resolve towards green, yellow-green, as if liquid light were puddling in those thin leaf-cups. We are…