Category RileSmith Arts

A Late Quartet (review)

Let’s get this out of the way first: on a certain level, it will always be painful to watch screen actors trying to pass themselves off as musicians. Particularly string players. Adult novices never learn to simulate a natural-looking vibrato…

June in November

Earlier this autumn, Philadelphia-based composer Melissa Dunphy premiered her new work “June,” a pair of songs for baritone and electronics at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, as part of a collaboration between Network for New Music and Voice…

Christopher Columbus’s Living Room

Ever gaze up at a monument wishing for a pigeon’s eye view? Well, I have, and was glad for the opportunity to visit Tatzu Nishi’s whimsical conceptual art piece, Discovering Columbus, on Columbus Circle. There is something riveting about being…

Recent Works by Madeline Rile Smith: Floaters/Anthropods

Glass artist Madeline Rile Smith presents a new series: Arthopods “These sculptures are made from flameworked borosilcate glass and paint. Anthropomorphic, athropoid, organic, robotic, playful, terrifying: they interact with one another and elicit strong, varied reactions: a Rorschach test for the viewer.” See more at…

Wind Map

Perhaps the most fortuitous result of recent weather trends was our discovery of the Wind Map, a project of the design collaboration Working with the ultra-modern medium of data visualization, Hint’s Fernanda Viégas  and Martin Wattenberg create arresting works of digital art that are both…

Philly Photo Day – October 26

October 16 is Philly Photo Day, sponsored by Philadelphia Photo Arts Center. Everyone in the city is invited to take a photo and submit it to the exhibition. “We’ll print and hang every single picture for a unique exhibition capturing a…

RileSmith Arts Blog back online

After a hosting fiasco, a solid day scrambling for tech support, and a long, painful rebuilding process, the RileSmith Arts blog is back online, albeit slimmed down, having irretrievably lost several years of posts, the most popular of which, according…

Urban Soundscapes

The sound starts up around midnight, rising from the park. It slices through the late summer chorus of crickets and tree frogs like a deranged soprano. Is it a monster? Is something being killed? Up and down Shawnee Street, windows…

White Pines Productions

Even on a bright Sunday afternoon, I feel spooked driving through Elkins Park, a grassy suburb just beyond the city border. Here looms the massive, haunted-looking shell of the old Widener estate, its parched, ragged lawn overgrown with vines. Nearby,…